Chimpoo Man


Niggers - Because it is a zoo out there. The world's #1 source for monkeyshines and the truth about niggers.

When a bunch of niggersgo ape shit in a public place.
Hey Jesse, did you see all them niggers at Popeye's fighting over them chicken sammiches?!
Yeah, that was a category 5 chimpout! Those apes need to be in a zoo.
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Chimp Outunknown
Chimp Out refers to the action of someone or somthing(chimpanzee) going completly ape shit on anyone who tries to calm it down. The person or thing completly looses his or her cool for an extended period of time. In extreme cases resulting in police 'busting a cap in its ass'.
Lady 1: ' Oh God shoot the chimp shoot it (sobs).'
911 Operator: 'What seems to be the problem mam?'
Police officer:'Woah man did you see that chimpanzeechimp out on that ladys ass, it ripped her face off'
Get a Chimp Out mug for your fish James.
Chimpoo Man

Trending RN - March 22, 2020

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A conversationally appropriate slang for man's penis in Japanese language. Variants: chimpoko, chimbo, chinko, chinchin, and so on.

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You're lucky you got rid of that loose skin covering your chimpo; it makes your chimpo too sensitive.
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Short males, with ever-changing hair colors. Frequently use high pitchedvoices when excited. Often seen driving turbo-charged Chrysler products.
These specimens are frequently named 'john' or 'johnny'
Dude, did you see that chimpo running around the backyard in just his boxers and cop glasses?
Get a chimpo mug for your mate José.
Conversationally appropriatereferenceto a man's penis.
Neighbor one: 'You seems to be walking with a slight limp?'
Neighbor two: 'I turned around and smacked my, pardon me, 'chimpo', on the mailbox.'
Get a chimpo mug for your fish Callisto.
conversationally appropriatereferenceto a man's penis.
neighbor one: 'You seem to be walking with a slight limp?'
neighbor two: 'Yea, I hit my, pardon me, 'chimpo', on the mailbox.'
Get a chimpo mug for your cat Paul.

Trending RN - March 22, 2020

Chimpoo Man Full

  • 1. covidiot
  • 2. Double Stuffed
  • 3. Ruizing
  • 4. bending the curve
  • 5. imgur
  • 6. rawing
  • 7. thal
  • 8. bootlicking
  • 9. The Cancer Prank
  • 10. Double Stuf
  • 11. double bag
  • 12. Deep State
  • 13. The Tabasco Fiasco
  • 14. Hideyoshi
  • 15. 7 Mile
  • 16. Efforting
  • 17. brapping
  • 18. 5/7
  • 19. Chugged
  • 20. Braphog
  • 21. afrosexual
  • 22. Novice
  • 23. Diving for Dollars
  • 24. eating pizza
  • 25. gyopo
  • 26. Soft’ish
  • 27. The Corona Virus
  • 28. Gawking
  • 29. Poonching
  • 30. pdg