Chimpoo Simpoo Natak


A detective duo with minds that work faster than you can imagine, instincts that save them from precarious situations and the presence of mind to invent and discover on the go! Chimpoo and Simpoo are always ready to put their detective skills to test. Watch how they solve one mystery after another! Ham (1957 – January 19, 1983), also known as Ham the Chimp and Ham the Astrochimp, was a chimpanzee and the first hominid launched into space. On January 31, 1961, Ham flew on the Mercury-Redstone 2 mission, part of the U.S. Space program's Project Mercury.


ChimPipe is a computational method for the detection of novel transcription-induced chimeric transcripts and fusion genes from Illumina Paired-End RNA-seq data. It combines junction spanning and paired-end read information to accurately detect chimeric splice junctions at base-pair resolution.

ChimPipe have been developed at the [Computational Biology of RNA Processing group] ( in Barcelona, Spain.


Two different ways:

  • Go to the releases tab and download the latest release.

  • Clone the git repository in case you want the latest version of the code:

ChimPipe does not require any further installation step. It already comes with precompiled GEMtools binaries. It is written in Bash and Awk and can be run as a standalone application on diverse Linux systems.


Chimpoo Simpoo Natak Hindi Mai

  1. Hardware:

    • 64-bits CPU
    • RAM: ~40G for 100 million illumina paired-end reads.
  2. Software:

    • 64-bit Linux System
    • Bedtools v2.20.1 or higher
    • Samtools v0.1.19 or higher
    • Blast v2.2.29+ or higher


Please check ChimPipe [documentation] ( to find detailed information about:

  • How ChimPipe works
  • Installation
  • Execute ChimPipe


ChimPipe is distributed under the GPLv3. Consult the [LICENSE] ( file for more information.


Please feel free to submit an issue in our github repository in case you have a question

join the ChimPipe’s [mailing list] (!forum/chimpipe-mailing-list/) in case you have a question, you want to report an issue or request a feature.


Chimpoo Simpoo Natak Cartoon

Please cite the following article if you use ChimPipe in your research: