Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode

  1. Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 10
  2. Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 12
  3. Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 2
  4. Chimpoo Simpoo Cartoon Episode 15

Crime Patrol 20th March 2020; Beyhadh 2 20th March 2020; Pavitra Bhagya 20th March 2020; Mujhse Shaadi Karoge 20th March 2020; Mere Dad Ki Dulhan 20th March 2020. Jul 29, 2015  Zoo Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Blame It On Leo. Leave us a comment and tell us what you thought of 'Blame It On Leo' and come back next week. Chimpoo is an Amazing, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing, and Browser-based video game developed and published by Games2Win. The game takes place in an Open Virtual World, which is unusual and very attractive as well.

Let's blame everything on Leo.

We're getting answers to the summer's biggest questions on Zoo Season 1 Episode 5, and it looks like Jamie's crazy theories about that big bad chemical company, Reiden Global, might not have been so crazy after all.

While I wasn't totally surprised by the revelation that Reiden Global is, in fact, behind the Mother Cell, and knowingly allowed their products to be infected by it, it was still really great to see the satisfied look on Jamie's face.

Chloe: Pack your bags, we're going to Rio!
Abraham: I love this job.

  • Permalink: Pack your bags, we're going to Rio!

Jamie was right, but it looks like the chemicals aren't only contained to animal food, and it also appears that there's more to the animals' rage than just what's for dinner. Technology is playing a role, though how large that role is still remains to be seen.

Mitch's knowledge of bats is astounding. Between his fun 'bat facts' and the tidbits about the nocturnal creatures that roll right off the top of his head, Mitch showed that he is indeed a different kind of bat man, which is interesting, because someone out there considered calling on him to save the day.

Who was surprised when Clementine's mom tilted that frame, and we realized that Mitch was the little girl's father? These vignettes are usually reserved for setting up the animal drama for the following week. Naturally, I expected that next week would be all about puppies abandoning their loyalty to their owners, but it turns out this vignette showed us that Mitch's daughter is very ill, and he hasn't seen her since she was two.

Chloe: Someday, I would like to meet this person who made you become this thing you are today. Was it his mom, who didn't hug him enough? A college girlfriend who broke his heart? Or was he always the last picked on a sports team?
Mitch: It was all of those things.

  • Permalink: It was all of those things.

Did anyone else notice the parallel of Clementine wanting to get rid of all of her clothes, with Mitch's saying that he threw out all of his ex-wife's clothes? Like father, like daughter.

So, should we just go ahead and blame all of this animal drama on Leo Butler, the man whose name was scribbled all over Evan's bible in jail? The simple answer is, yes, he's really to blame. He created the Mother Cell, the vector that Reiden Global is using that's contaminating everything. Sure, he's blackmailing them about it for money, and donating that money to charity, but that doesn't change the fact that he made it. Way to go, Leo. Jamie should not go sailing with that guy.

Which led to the great cliffhanger ending, that car wreck that left the Mother Cell in Evan Lee Hartley's hands. What's he going to do with it? We know he was connected to Robert, so did Robert know about the Mother Cell?

Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode

Bat fact number three; it's worse than we thought.

  • Permalink: Bat fact number three; it's worse than we thought.

And what about that bat? The bat that died and resurrected itself...are we heading into zombie animal territory? Or is the combination of the Mother Cell and technology giving the animals new skills AND making them invincible?

Stray thoughts:

  • I'd pay for a CD of Billy Burke reciting nursery rhymes.
  • When Chloe said they were going to Rio, did anyone else wait for 'Vacation' by the Go-Go's to play as they all drank cocktails and danced on the plane in a fun 80s montage?
  • Mitch is that guy you don't want to sit next to on a plane. Bat facts? Come on, man. Drink a cocktail and listen to the Go-Go's.
  • Thank you Agent Shaffer. I was sitting on my couch wondering what a vector was, and I actually started to Google it, but you asked what it was so that I didn't have to.
  • Subtle product placement, Surface tablet. 'Look at photos on my tablet guys!'
  • According to the trophic scale, humans are a two, on the same level as pigs and anchovies? That would be one weird pizza order for a level five.
  • Who else waited for Chloe to tell Jackson that she missed him on the phone?

If you're not caught up yet, don't worry! There's plenty of time to watch Zoo online, right here at TV Fanatic! You don't want to miss a minute of the best summertime mystery to hit television.

What's Evan going to do with the Mother Cell? Will Jackson get some answers about his father next week? Were you surprised that Jamie was right along? Has your opinion of Mitch changed now that we've met the family he left behind? Leave us a comment and tell us what you thought of 'Blame It On Leo' and come back next week for Zoo Season 1 Episode 6!

Crazy seems to be on a sliding scale since I met you guys.

  • Permalink: Crazy seems to be on a sliding scale since I met you guys.

Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 10

Blame It On LeoReview

Editor Rating:4.5/ 5.0
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Rating:4.1/ 5.0(36 Votes)

I'm really upset about potentially widowed sloths in the Amazon. Sloths deserve to hang upside down with their mates.

On Scorpion Season 3 Episode 19, Team Scorpion heads to the Amazon to befriend a monkey and stun spiders.

Okay, there was a virus or something that needed an antidote, but who cares about that when there is a monkey!

This case is just pure fun. It's exactly the kind of case that Scorpion excels at, nothing too serious or 'OH MY GOD, SO AND SO IS GOING TO DIE!'

It was what the world needed on this dreary Monday night after the evil Daylight Saving's Time.

The obvious lesson of the case is to read up on where you are going because somehow the tour book (or whatever Cabe was reading) will have crucial intel that will save the day.

The first reference to the sloths was cute, but then it was a little strange and too coincidental that Cabe's research had exactly the information that was needed.

It would have been better if Sly just told the team seeing how Sly has a computer with WiFi in front of him. Did this bother anyone else?

Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode

Thiago was not all that entertaining. It was hard to connect with him and like him before he got sick.

Then there's this annoyance that the random character of the week was going to (potentially) die. There wasn't anything that made me care about his wellbeing.

Thiago felt like a nuisance more than an asset. Dr. Silva might have been more entertaining.

Before switching gears, let's just discuss the gem that was the monkey.

Yes, the monkey would not have been happy in the garage, but the thought of Toby having to say goodbye to his furry friend breaks my heart.

We witnessed them go from enemies to friends. Speaking of animal friends, where is Ferret Bueller? He needs to make an appearance soon.

Time to discuss Toby's other significant relationship: Quintis.

The shrink coming back was an unexpected delight, but I'm a little sad that there wasn't any harmonizing.

Toby and Walter need to go in for a follow-up session because we need that kind of happiness in our lives.

The clicker was a GIFT.

The therapy session brought to light that Toby can get annoying when he constantly praises Happy's existence.

As much as I love happy Quintis, the two of them playfully bickering is fun to watch. It's a reminder of the early days before they became a couple.

The clicker brought back all the fun aspects of Quintis. There's never a fear that the fights are serious. It's just normal, every day Quintis bickering, and it was nice to see that again.

Out of curiosity: do you think if Happy had the clicker that there would be more or less clicks?

Not only did Walter make some emotional progress, but Paige had a light bulb moment!

Hopefully, we get to see Walter and Cabe bonding and cheering each other up.

Their relationship is such a huge part of the show, and it would be great to see more of them hanging out socially.

Walter: He's hurting inside, and I think I can help.
Toby: That was empathy. Walter identified emotional pain in someone else and demonstrated empathy.
Paige: You can't empathize if you haven't been through a similar situation yourself. Walter wasn't just being jealous or petty about Tim, was he?
Toby: He wasn't. I know you didn't mean to, but you must have really broken his heart. Now he knows what that feels like, and he is applying that data to someone else. Ralph may not be changing, but Walter certainly is.

  • Permalink: He wasn't. I know you didn't mean to, but you must have really broken his heart. Now he knows...

Waige has been at a standstill recently, and it's really up to Paige to take things to the next step if that is what she wants.

Walter already made his move, but Paige chose Tim.

Walter was rejected and heartbroken, and so it doesn't seem likely that Walter would be the one to initiate things after it backfired on him.

Paige has to initiate things.

Now that she has realized what her relationship with Tim did to Walter, there's a chance that Paige will also step back and think about how Walter really feels about her.

If he has been heartbroken, then, you know, he was in love with her.

I'm excited to see Paige re-evaluate her relationship with Walter and her feelings towards him as well.

Part of me wants this to unfold slowly just so we can watch Paige really process everything and start to maybe change how she interacts with him (all for the flirting).

But then, obviously, part of me wants them to get together now. What are your Waige hopes?

What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in a comment below.

Remember you can watch Scorpion online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 12

Monkey See, Monkey PooReview

Editor Rating:3.5/ 5.0

Chimpoo Simpoo 15 Episode 2

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Chimpoo Simpoo Cartoon Episode 15

Rating:4.8/ 5.0(49 Votes)