Chimpoo Meaning In Urdu

1.Chimp - Chimpanzee - Pan Troglodytes : بن مانس : (noun) intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests.


Chimp in Book Titles


A documentary film based on her recent book, Nim Chimp sky: The Chimp Who Would Be Human, will be released next year. Bubbles the chimp won't be at Michael Jackson's funeral Tuesday. And here he was holding a chimp, like a giant question mark. When the cricket gear was complete.

The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives.
Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers` Brief.
Wild Cultures: A Comparison Between Chimpanzee and Human Cultures.


Useful Words

Chimpoo Meaning In Urdu English

African : افریقہ کا باشندہ : a native or inhabitant of Africa.

Ape : نقل کرنا : imitate uncritically and in every aspect. 'Her little brother apes her behavior'

Arborary - Arboreal - Arborical - Arborous : شجری : of or relating to or formed by trees. 'An arborous roof'

Chimpoo Meaning In Urdu Language

Equatorial : خط استواء کا : of or relating to or at an equator. 'Equatorial diameter'

Forest - Wood - Woods : جنگل : the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area.

Intelligent : ذہین : having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree. 'Is there intelligent life in the universe?'

Definition Meaning In Urdu

More Or Less - Slightly - Somewhat : کچھ کچھ : to a small degree or extent. 'Yes he seems somewhat familiar to me'